The difference between visiting a place and living there is I have spent the first three days getting a phone, paying rent, trying to get internet, food shopping, and getting lost. I feel really healthy I have probably walked five miles each day just finding my way, this morning I did a wonderful thing, I climbed to the top of the Campanile and experienced the panaramic view of Firenze. I am here, in this beautiful city of art and history. My apartment is centrally located between San Lorenzo and Santa Marie dei Fiore. I am overwhelmed that when I wake up for the next three months I can walk in two minutes to the Duomo.
I have been welcomed by Santa Reparata International School of Art. They have just moved to their new facility, it is spacious and well equiped for prinmaking, photography and painting. I am setting up, and learning where to find the art stores. I wish I had taken more supplies with me, however my bags were full.
Next week I will begin Italian and the book arts class and by that time the press will be set up in my studio. I did buy some pastels and started drawing, hung up a few things in my studio so the white walls would not be so bare. I will be filling them up I am sure.
Hey Sara: Pics look great and so does the weather. What a high you must be on. And what fun. Try anything and everything! The location sounds great. PAM OPENING on Fri.
Sorry to report only one of your pieces got in–many, many entries. We will try and go early to get back for OBAMBA & MCCAIN DEBATE. Do you have any television you can watch?
An English language newspaper should be available.
Watching TV there is a kick, when you see US TV shows with the American actors all speaking in Italian. Have a blast.
I know you will do well with all your enthusiasm and energy.
Love, Mildred
Mom, it sounds great, you sound great. So impressed with the blog, photos and video -> wicked tech savvy. Have fun exploring. Make ART.
P.S. Papa al pomodoro ->my fave Italian dish, bread and tomato soup. The best place is across from the Centrale Mercato…
I look forward to following your travels and your art!!
best wishes
dinah mellin