It has been a very exciting summer for making art and having new experiences. I attended a workshop at Carriage House Paper given by Donna Koretsky snf Shannon Brock. Carriage House Paper, located in Brookline Massachusetts is a fully equipped paper making studio adjancent to the house of Elaine and Sidney Koretsky which houses the Paper Museum. The Paper Museum exhibits the field research and artifacts collected by the Koretskys on hand papermaking throughout the world.
For three glorious days inside the studio and out in the sunshine (which helped the paper sculptures and paper to dry) we couched and pressed, created three dimensional armatures and explored the intricacies of shrinking translucent flax combined with abaca.
Paper making is all about water, a tactile fluid medium to explore. I loved the added aspect of how the fiber contorts as it shrinks while drying. I had not anticipated how much I would enjoy creating 3-dimensional pieces, it took me back to when I was a potter working with clay.