The weather has been crystal clear warm and breezy….I have been spending a great deal of time setting up my studio and getting art supplies. I have started to get into a good rythym of working now that the everyday logistics have worked out. Once I could find the art supply stores I was all set. Comunication with home was the other pressing issue, not I am logged in and skyped, googled and a touch away by phone. Definetly a great sense of connecetedness with all this cyber talk.
So on Sunday I decided to an outing to Piazzale Michelangelo, the day was to good to be indoors. On my way I passed through Piazza Santa Croce, which was magnificent. I crossed the Arno and walked up the many steps to the top. The view of the city was spectacular and the mountains surrounding were inviting, It was very windy, but warm. I was so glad to be up there looking down on the city and the bridges. I did some sketching and was inspired.